Jubilee Worship Songs
Original music by the worship team at Jubilee Church.
“More or your Spirit, More of Your presence, I just want to know you more”
If you have been at a Jubilee service in last several months, you have almost certainly heard it. This song was written out of a deep desire to pursue and experience more of God’s presence. And we're so excited to announce that it is now available EVERYWHERE!
This video is the live version, with a studio recording and instrumental version available on all distribution platforms as well.
Psalm 30
Why do we worship? Is worship based on feelings or momentary inspiration, or is it something else entirely? Ps 30 is a wonderful example to us of the necessary ingredients for authentic worship. We get an inside look at someone feeling distant from God and facing some intense and difficult circumstances. And it's in that low moment when we see that the glimmer of hope isn't the circumstances changing, but the comfort of an ever-present, ever-loving, faithful God who is good and always near. When we know God and reflect on who He is, we can cry out for mercy and know that He hears us. There is never a shortage of reasons to worship, even in our lowest moments.
Psalm 34
Have you ever felt like you weren't good enough? Have you ever felt like you had to hide the "bad" parts of your life from God and others? This original worship song was inspired by Psalm 34 and written through the lens of a very personal experience. Shame affects the way we live and experience life and even how we view ourselves and the world around us. The simple truth that "those who look to Him [God] are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed" is absolutely life-changing! He wants ALL of us, not just the parts we think are "presentable". He always makes a way for us to lift our face.
Psalm 23
What is life all about? A complex question with a simple answer, according to the psalmist. This psalm is one of the most widely known sections of scripture in the entire Bible, and for good reason. Many who don't even believe what the Bible says can still recognize these words and phrases, simply because they're so powerful. But could it be true that there is ONE single source for everything we need and want in life? There are billions of people over the course of history that have found this to be true, and this brand new original worship song taken from Psalm 23 highlights the wonderful truth that the presence of the Lord is what life is all about - simply to "dwell in the house of the Lord forever".
Psalm 51
What qualifies us to be accepted by God? Psalm 51 paints a broken, yet beautiful picture of salvation. The recognition of the depth of our sin is so much greater than we could ever imagine, yet we don't have to stay there. It's in that moment of desperation, with our eyes opened to our own depravity, that we see God's goodness shines greater. Our sin is eclipsed by grace. Christ qualified us through His death and resurrection. With our eyes fixed on Him we can't help but say..."Unlock my lips to sing. My shame has turned to joy. My heart cannot contain the praises of my God!"
Jubilee Church is a community on a mission to help all people know God, find family, discover purpose, and make a difference.

Who Is Jubilee?
We’re a multi-location church committed to becoming the kind of community described in the New Testament. We are a people of authentic relationships, heart-felt worship, and relevant teaching; a people who are responsive to the Holy Spirit and compassionate toward others.
What To Expect
Expect God.
We can’t change lives but Jesus can. We expect the presence of God in all of our meetings! God’s presence brings joy, healing, hope, and life. We come together to meet with and worship the Creator of the universe and to be changed by Him.
Expect Honesty.
You don't have time to go to a fake religious ceremony, neither do we. Every sermon is real and honest. All teaching at Jubilee is from the Bible and applicable to everyday life. We don't need gimmicks and hype, we need truth.
Expect Love.
Urban, suburban, black, white, rich, poor, young and old, anyone can worship with us. At Jubilee, our vision is to grow in diversity.

We believe that life is a team sport and that we need each other to live out our purpose in Christ. Community Groups are a great way to get connected with other people if you’re new and deepen your relationship with Christ. Click below to find out more about groups near you.