Worship at Jubilee


 We believe that worship isn’t just singing a few songs on a Sunday morning…

It’s what we’re made to do.


What is worship?

Worship was always at the core of God’s plan. It’s what we were made to do. That might be a confusing statement if your understanding of worship is limited to singing or confined to a 30-minute activity on a Sunday morning. In its broadest sense, worship has to do with everything—how we think, choices we make, and how or to whom we give our love and affection. Everyone worships, whether you’re a Christ follower or not.


The Purpose.

Gathered, corporate, local church worship is one of the primary vehicles that God has chosen to use to reveal Himself. Not only to His Church, but also to those that have yet to put their faith in Him. Often, He uses this time to speak to individuals and groups of people about their calling and purpose. Our togetherness in corporate worship also deepens our relationships with each other by bringing healing, inspiring forgiveness, and deepening our love for one another—all through the power of His presence in worship.


Original music from the Jubilee worship team.

We believe that there can never be enough praise and worship of our God. We aim to keep our expression of thankfulness, gratitude, and remembrance fresh and alive. As a result, many on our team help write new music to help lead our congregation in new and exciting ways.


Jubilee Worship Resources

At Jubilee, we want to help all people express passionate worship to our God and King. Below are some helpful resources should you or your team like to play some of the original Jubilee music in your services.

Confluence Worship

Jubilee is also a member of the Confluence Family of churches. In addition to the original music Jubilee has produced, many of the writers, musicians, and producers have contributed to projects to serve this larger family of churches. You can find resources for this music by clicking the button below.