• Isayas Hampton


    “After graduating high school, I was very hesitant about doing Gap Year because I thought it would be a waste of time. I wanted to go straight into electrical trades with one of my best friends. After praying for a while, I felt the Holy Spirit stir in me, and I realized Gap Year would be an amazing opportunity to gain a better understanding of who God is and to grow in my faith before pursuing electrical trades. Since starting my gap year, God has really opened my eyes to see His beauty.”

  • Grace Sauter


    “I had been resistant to doing a gap year because I thought I knew what the best plan for my life was. Eventually, God revealed to me that He had a better plan than I could have imagined and led me to say yes to Gap Year. Saying yes to this year of surrender was the best decision I could have made for my relationship with God, and He has been faithfully leading me through it.

  • Sophia Worstell


    “Before doing Gap Year, I was afraid of getting behind in school since I already had everything lined up to go. Thankfully, God increased my faith and gave me the courage to say yes to Gap Year. Through this year, I have heard God's voice more than ever before, and He has given me amazing opportunities to grow in new giftings!”

What is “Gap Year?”

Our culture is changing rapidly, leaving many of our young people unprepared to face cultural pressures faithfully and fruitfully. Jubilee’s Gap Year exists to assist high school graduates and college students in becoming disciples of Jesus Christ who leverage their entire life for the sake of God’s glory.

Gap Year is designed to equip and encourage participants in all areas of life including Godly living, intellectual development, and practical life skills.


1. Spiritual Formation

(solid biblical and theological foundations)

2. Missional Living

(confident in sharing faith)

3. Critical Thinking

(gospel-centered discernment)

4. Holistic Integration

(self-awareness and healthy habits)


Interactive teaching 

Local community immersion and service


Visiting other Confluence Churches

Travel/Experience (2 weeks) 

Personal study and peer interaction


  • Gap year begins on September 7th, 2025. (This is a Sunday that Gap Year interns will be prayed over at our Sunset Hills and City Locations)

  • The week of September 2-7th

  • Schedule: 30-35 hours a week (flex: some weeks may be more depending events). Below is a sample of a typical week’s schedule:

    Sunday: 7-3pm - attend Sunday services (you may also attend youth meetings)

    Monday: 9-3pm - serving with young life

    Tuesday: Prayer at 6 am then internship 9-4pm (potential work or CG night)

    Wednesday: 9-4pm (potential work or CG night)

    Thursday: 9-4 pm (potential work or CG night)

    Friday: off day

    Saturday: flex (serving or work day)

  • Rick Hein, elder at Jubilee Washington, oversees all teaching, which includes:

    -Regular teachings from How to Read Bible - Gender Identity

    -Staff and elders are on a schedule to teach them different topics

    -Old Testament Survey

    -Read through the Bible in 9 months

    • Each Gap Year Team member will have their own personal mentor. Will meet weekly for the first 3 months then will taper to 2-3x/month after that. (This mentor will be taking you through something call ‘The Path’)

    • Internship with a director of a serving team: Jkids, worship, media, etc.

    • Community Group

  • NO! There will be trips to other Confluence churches through the year in the Midwest (Joplin, Kansas City, Chicago, etc.) and Southeast (Nashville).

  • Tuition: $3,000

    Food/Spending: $150 a month

    If you apply before February 11th, 2025 you will receive a $600 discount on the cost of tuition.

  • We have a gap year house provided for the (either the boys or girls) team. This is based off of number of applicants for that calendar year.

    We also provide a specific house home for the others.

    • Family meals a couple times a month

    • 1st and 3rd Sundays hang outs of young adults

    • Fun Day out in St. Louis once a month

    • You will be in a Community Group

    • You will be taken through our Growth Track process

    • Serving with Young Life

    • Serving with Love the Lou

  • The early application deadline is February 4th, 2025. This gives you $600 off of tuition total.

    The late deadline to apply is May 31, 2025.