We believe God is calling us to a season of increased faith for multiplication. A season of trusting Him that as we release what we have in our hands, He will multiply the joy in our hearts and advance His mission through our church.

Our Primary
Goal: 100%

Our primary goal is to grow as disciples of Jesus. To submit to His will and make Him Lord of every area of our life. We invite everyone who calls Jubilee Church home to engage by asking God how to better steward their time, talent and treasure. Our hope is that everyone takes a step forward the following three areas:

  • Faith by nature is active (Hebrews 11:1). Faith propels us into the adventure of running the race that He sets before us (Hebrews 12:1) and not the one we set before ourselves. The lies we believe about God and ourselves are often revealed in how we respond to God’s call to mission. What step of faith can you make in this season?

    ACTION: Pray for increased faith

  • Every Christian has influence. How are you using that influence to encourage others to follow Jesus? What is your next step?

    ACTION: Leverage your influence

  • God is a generous God (John 3:16; Romans 8:32). It’s only natural that as we grow as disciples of Jesus, we too will grow in our generosity. What is your next step in generosity?

    ACTION: Raise your standard of giving

Secondary Goal:
Mission Advancement

As disciples of Jesus, our job is not to manufacture results (1 Corinthians 3:5-7; Psalm 127:1-2) but to faithfully release our time, talent and treasure and trust Him with the outcome. With that in mind, we do believe that God is leading us to pursue four specific objectives in this next season.

  • Our hope would be to plant two churches by 2030 and be positioned to plant an additional church every 2-3 years. Our desire isn’t to simply start new churches but make multiplication a part of our culture. We would need roughly $250,000 to $400,000 to start a new church. In addition, we want to contribute to be able resource other Confluence Churches planting in the Midwest.

  • More than money, the church in North America needs leaders. As Jesus said, “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” (Matthew 9:36) By 2030, we need to triple the number of leaders we currently have.

    • 1x our current leaders in order to maintain

    • 2x our current leaders in order to grow

    • 3x our current leaders in order to multiply and send

  • Our long-term success as a church is 100% correlated to our ability to attract and develop the next generation. It is the responsibility of one generation to pass on what they have to the next (Psalm 145:4). We are not looking for our young people to simply sit at our feet but stand on our shoulders.

    a.     Create a life-changing experience for Gap Year Interns.

    Our hope is that every High School senior considers Gap Year and most High School seniors participate. That’s why we want to invest heavily into this program. When our youth enter University, 15-25% of their experience is funded by tuition and the rest is funded by donors. People give to universities to help kids receive a reward that is perishable, we want to give to this program to help them receive a reward that is imperishable (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).

    b.     Create full time internships in the following areas:

                     i.     Pastoral: to help explore a call to full time ministry

                     ii.     Next Generation: to help explore a passion for jkids & youth

                     iii.     Admin & events: to better organize and support all of what we do

                     iv.     Media: to expand our ability to communicate our message

                     v.     Missions: to help us better engage our local communities and serve the global church

                     vi.     Worship: to grow and influence our passion for God through music and worship

  • a.     Strengthen churches in Confluence. Jubilee is a part of a family of churches in North America and Nepal called Confluence. These churches are our dear brothers and sisters that we especially want to help.

    b.     Strengthen apostolic spheres in Newfrontiers. There are 12 other families of churches just like Confluence that we are a part of. This is our extended family and want to be helpful in times of crisis but also to help them build vibrant churches all over the globe (Matthew 28:18-20).

    c.        Resource churches and ministries serving our local communities. Over the years, we have built relationships with churches and ministries in our communities that are doing what we would like to do, but they are better positioned to do it. We would like to come alongside of them financially and with volunteer help.

Summary: We want to expand our giving by $2,000,000 over the next two years and triple our leaders over the next seven years.

Ready to commit?

We invite you to participate in all that God has in store for our Jubilee family through this next season. Click the button below to join the rest of the Jubilee family in their commitment to let go of what’s in our hands to see God multiply our efforts.